Just returned from a Memorial Day trip to see my brother and sister n law and to visit a few family memorials. My sis n law surprised me with this really awesome cookbook "Taste of Home" so I decided to try a simple side dish from the book. I modified the recipe slightly using purple potatoes instead of the redskin and I added 2 boiled eggs and some fresh dill also. The chives and dill came from my garden. The only thing that would've made this really awesome is if the bacon would've come from hogs that I raised, but I would have to have livestock and I don't. Anyway, everything in the dish was organic, local or home grown so that's a bonus. The salad is very easy to make and really yummy. I served it along some organically grown corn that I grilled along with local farmed raised beef tenderloin and chicken. Can't wait to dig into the cookbook some more, it looks like it has some really great recipes. I will definitely share how they go and will post how to create, but for now Good Eats!